Friday, August 8, 2008

Everything In Motion

It feels like forever since I last had the desire to sit down at the computer after hours, but I feel compelled to because so much has happened recently.

Family is on my mind in many respects. I must start with the most pressing of matters on the familial front - my thoughts are now constantly with my cousin Chris. He was not my closest cousin growing up, but he was still like a brother to me for a long series of years. I have just today been informed that a tumor, which was removed from his cerebellum late last week, was cancerous and will require him to undergo chemotherapy and radiation treatment. His grandmother, a nurse, says there is a 50-75% chance he will make it through just fine. I believe that his strength will put him on the higher end of this statistic, if not well above and beyond it.

Turning towards more distant family, I will shortly be heading down to Virginia! There are a few things I'll be missing while there, but they are well worth the trade-off. There will be so many emotions to experience and share...I can hardly wait. Whoa! I just got tickled by Brian. Anyway...

Another family on my mind is the one comprised of the EMC. I had a wonderful time at Ann's house this past Saturday, and every day at work builds anticipation for the trip to South Africa. On top of that, a new space for all of us hardworking kids is on the horizon. I saw the designs today and they look awesome!

I'd like to say more, but my brain is melting. Good night, everyone!