Saturday, July 19, 2008

Family Born Anew

I barely know where to begin. This week has been a whirlwind of good news. First, I found out that I would be working on the UN project and going to Africa. Then, I found out that a few other people I really wanted to work with would be joining the project (though I still have my fingers crossed on a few I haven't heard from yet). And just today, I received word from family I haven't heard from in over 10 years. This is possibly the best week I've had in a decade.

I wrote to them upon reflecting on all of the wonderful things that have happened in the past year. I truly feel like I've come into my own over the course of the last two semesters, and because I have thought about them so often, I felt that I had no reason not to write anymore. I'm not a kid anymore, it wasn't someone else's job to do this. Even if it were, my desire was too great to wait on someone else. And what a wonderful result!

Part of me wants to jump on a plane and go visit. Part of me wanted to jump onto the phone with them, but I settled for jumping onto the phone with my mom. As relieved as I was to hear from my family to begin with, I was just as relieved to hear that my mom held no resentment against them and had not intentionally cut off communication. I was sorry to bring her to tears, but glad that they were tears of joy. This has been such a special moment. I really can't find words for it. I wanted to write, but I want to write to them even more. So, I'll leave it at the fact that if I seem happy over the next few days or weeks, I have a myriad of reasons to be excited, this being the most heartwarming of all.

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