Friday, April 18, 2008

An Introduction to "Nishikawa"

I've never been one for putting thoughts on the Internet where others can view them. However, having recently swamped some of my friends and acquaintances with trivial thoughts and observations, I've deemed it time to shut my inbox and open my web browser. Hello, world. Welcome to my junk heap for discarded ideas. Sift through it at your leisure.

I've discovered many things about myself in the past year. One is that while I enjoy writing, I love expressing myself through artwork as well. I've always known that I will be a lifelong learner, but I'm starting to feel like a teacher too. In general, I love everything more than I ought to. I express emotion in a quiet but powerful manner that can reach, ensconce, and burn through anything (thus far). I adore other human beings, though I spend more time analyzing them than I ought to. I detest money and struggle with my persistent dreams of utopia.

I write this on an evening that does not feel particularly important. I have many things to do in the coming days, and little time to do them. My mind has been bursting with thoughts this week, and the weather almost hit 80 today for the first time in what I imagine has been well over half a year. Summer is upon me, seemingly earlier than usual. I put on a dress and shorts, slid into sandals, and felt like myself again for the first time in what I imagine has been well over half a year. A strange sentiment, in both its declaration and its truth.

Expect no rhyme or reason to my leavings in this space. They promise to be of varying lengths, touching upon all imaginable feelings. It's the way I work, and something that I hope can be appreciated by others. This is a testing ground. Feel free to add unforeseen factors to my experiment, if you do so with friendly intentions and a warm spirit.

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