Wednesday, April 30, 2008

An Off Evening Turned to Off Morning

After a rousing hour of DDR that brought my calorie-burning count up to 500 for yesterday, I sat down for a while and wrote in this space. When I stopped, my room was absolutely frigid. I decided to curl up under my blankets and read more of the book that Wes gave me for my birthday, but the toasty lull of my bed was too much; I passed out around 10:30.

Opening my eyes again after what felt like only a moment, I looked to my computer and found two conversations open. These people had only last talked to me around midnight; I figured it couldn't be much later than that. Casually glancing at my clock, I was flabbergasted. It was 3:30 in the morning. While one person was still awake to talk to me, the other had gone to bed hours ago. After 20 minutes of chatter, I shut off my lights and music and fell back into bed.

My dream time has been filled in the past couple days with incredibly mundane sequences where I'm still in Disney World. It's terribly boring and I have no idea what it means. This is my first thought of the morning, where I've woken at 7:10 instead of 6:45 and have no time for DDR because I forgot to do reading for today's training. Boo. =(

It's funny how little things can pile up and influence your outlook on the day. I know that I will most likely forget most of this in the coming hour. Even now, my stomach is starting to grumble, shifting my attention towards breakfast. Similarly, the light beating down on my window shades looks to be quite bright and warm, despite the weather forecast. Even if it's cold out there, a beautiful day will perk me right up, no question.

This isn't a very thought-provoking discussion, but it's only 7:45 in the morning.

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