Saturday, May 3, 2008

Iron Night

Well, I'm not often a sucker for super hero movies, but I must say: Iron Man was pretty bad ass! It was quite the blend of humor and action, pulled off in a tongue-in-cheek fashion I should have expected given the movie's leading man (Robert Downey, Jr). Gwyneth Paltrow was an unexpected but brilliant addition to the cast, as was Jeff Bridges. To top it had robots! Robots with personality! Gah...adorable. =)

While this will undoubtedly be the peak of my evening, I must exude some iron will of my own and push through to the morning with packing. It never really occurs to me how much stuff I have until I start to pile it up in categories and observe for a few minutes. On the bright side, my belongings have at least been easy to sort and organize. Finding enough containers for all of it will be the real challenge.

Though training did wrap up today, I feel like it was mostly a day without many insights. I have definitely come to enjoy the way in which I put myself out there for other people to see and interact with. I've always been the type to go with the flow, but few people seem to catch me in their wake. Perhaps someday soon. Good night to the rest of the world, good morning to me...

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