Saturday, May 3, 2008

Sentimental State

It occurs to me tonight that I don't know the actual definition of "sentimental." It is apparently anything expressive or that appeals to tender emotions and feelings. Having been moved by something seemingly small, I've been left to dwell tonight on the purpose of sentimentality; why do humans carry their past so heavily and closely to their hearts? In addition, why is there such an array of other emotions that can volley forth from a sentimental feeling? Happiness, confusion, anger, to name a few. It is a puzzling circumstance, but one that I suppose is worth the more well-defined and brilliant aspects of humanity.

Another thing that has come to my attention as a terrible action in most situations is the act taken to "prove a point." In essence, doing anything to prove a point makes someone else feel punished for exhibiting a different behavioral scheme, whether it be in how often they clean their room to how they cope with challenges in life. How often is it really right for someone else to decide that they have the right answer and must show someone else that they are wrong? Not as often as I think we often assume.

I'm full of questions tonight that lack answers.

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