Sunday, May 4, 2008

Oh, What a Beautiful Morning?

Whether I always was or always will be, I turn into a morning person during the summer even more than I am one during the school year. I almost woke up at 6:30 today. 6:30. On a Sunday. I've treated myself to "sleeping in" until 8, and now I feel alert and positive towards the day, despite the fact that I'm in a basement with two tiny windows and it's cold and rainy outside. I can deal with the rain because it make everything spring-related look lush and green. And I'd rather be a little chilly than on the warm side - I'll be sweating with morning exercise in a few minutes anyway. So all in all, hurray, it's a good day.

Technically, this is my last of two days for the summer in which I have no known work or responsibilities. It's a bit sad, but I plan on enjoying it thoroughly...somehow. Yesterday, after all the moving was done (I discovered that I'm in a spacious triple in the basement with one other roommate until June!), I found myself doing a whole lot of nothing: playing music off my computer and twirling around the room (which I stopped doing after people kept walking up behind me and scaring the living daylights out of me), laying down on my bed and staring out the window, reading, playing a few simple tunes on my keyboard, etc. I did a bit of visiting as well, but everyone with the exception of a few seemed out of sorts from trying to get their belongings together and most prone to simply tell me they'd be using my room as a hang-out spot. The level to which I was not out of sorts is something else I associate with my morning person style. I woke up at 6:30 yesterday to finish my packing, started moving at 10 and was done by 12:30, and finished unpacking around 6 at night. I think most people had finally chucked their last possessions into their room around that time. Go me.

Building off of a reflection from yesterday, I've come to the realization that I don't often evaluate people based on who they are; I look at how they react to other people. It's an interesting dynamic to observe, particularly in vastly different individuals. It was especially notable on moving day. One person had hardly unpacked a thing and was already wandering around the dorm, stopping into rooms to hold conversation and assist casually in other people's moving efforts. Others were scrambling to set up their computers as top priority, and remained half unpacked while setting up games to play. I set up my computer first just to have music while I did everything else, and I made the occasional ventures out of my room to take breaks from the basement monotony.

Even outside of the realm of moving though, I've taken a lot of notice lately of how a few other people conduct themselves: some good and some bad overall. I have a strong desire to take this train of thought a step further and discover the purpose and motives behind these actions, but I am aware of a few of them and unwilling to horn into other people's lives for the rest.

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