Monday, May 26, 2008

Long, Long Weekend

I was really looking forward to this weekend when it started, but I have to say that I don't feel like I've done very much with it. I did some Photoshop that went nowhere on Friday night, and Saturday was full of reading, writing, and Ratatouille. Last night was probably the most eventful portion of my weekend - a kid I went to high school with was turning 21 and came up here to celebrate with his older brother. A friend of mine was planning on going out with them and brought me along, which turned out to be a blessing for the birthday boy, who was not at all inclined to get drunk. After a few bars, with two vs. two on what to do next, it was easier to argue for heading home for the rest of the celebration.

Speaking of birthdays, I also just realized that it's been a month since mine. I can't say that I feel like I've accomplished a ton, but I think I've done enough. I've definitely gotten the time back to explore random ideas, which is probably the best feeling in the world to me. There's a good possibility that if I don't get sucked into a computer game today (I reeeeaaally want to finish Myst IV), I'll be fleshing out the latest spontaneous concept: Oregano Trail. =P

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