Thursday, May 1, 2008

Spring Cleaning

It's strange to be in college and have spring cleaning consist of completely emptying and switching rooms; this is an especially bizarre process for me because I tend to go bare-bones with my decorating habits in the summer. The posters that have plastered my cozy corner of the room seem to repel my fingertips, reluctant to be stowed away for four months. I sit on my bed and debate whether or not to pack away the gang of plushie penguins, and I haven't even started to think about the knick knacks that have accumulated on my desk over the course of the year.

I've always thought that it would be curious to try to chart a year in paper: whatever records collect in desk drawers and folders from fall to spring finals. Or perhaps in random snapshots of your habitat and other campus surroundings. I really need to get a camera again; I adore pictures taken candidly. I can't imagine I'd ever have the time to compile them in an interesting manner, but I like to dream.

These are scattered thoughts, but it seems to be one of those evenings. I can't really bring myself to do anything productive, and I'm partially mesmerized by the solar-powered constant-bobble panda across the room from me; he seems to have too much energy for his bobbly head, which is on its way to head-banging. Strange. Tragically cute. This is what happens when the stream of consciousness starts to run dry, folks. I'm not even going to try any creative writing tonight. It's time for sleep.

Oh, and happy May everybody!

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