Monday, May 19, 2008

An Unfortunate Morning

Well, I've just slept through my alarm and missed my morning shift at the library. It was apparently terrible timing, too, as a lot of work just cropped up for me to do by the end of the month. My roommate seemed irate that I probably left my alarm ringing for who knows how long, and I just noticed that one of my toenails is completely detached at the base. Not the best way to kick off the week, I have to admit.

I completely forgot about my assignment from Amanda yesterday, but I was able to play through some great little games by Amanita Design that may inspire the play style for my senior project. I was glad to see that Wes sounded as excited about it as I am - sometimes I feel bad about thinking work thoughts on the weekend, but not when they're making me giddy. =P In addition to those game ideas, I may have one for my Advanced Seminar in Game Design next semester. Once I remember where I packed an old notebook, I should have a good, or at least quirky, premise to work with. It's actually based on a conceptual animation I half-created my sophomore year for an advanced Flash class. Looking at what I did do, I really want to remake/finish the animation. I continue to hold to the fact that I'm not an artist, but I love that animation more than I should already. =)

Although I'm not in to work this morning because of my marvelous sleeping capabilities, my day still promises to be busy. A producers' meeting at 11, lunch, Info Lit team meeting at 1, work on that project until 5, dinner, and possibly work in the library basement 6 to 8:30. Gross!

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